About Us

Jo Owen Photo

Jo Owen – Founder

How to Lead, The Tribal Code and The Mindset of Success. He is the only person to win the CMI Gold Award three times for his writing. His nineteen books on leadership and management run to over 100 global editions.

Jo has worked with over 100 of the best, and a few of the worst, organisations on our planet in most industries in Japan, Europe, Asia and North America. He has been a partner at Accenture, started a bank, built a business in Japan and was sued for $12 billion. He is a founder of eight NGOs with a total turnover of £100m pa.

Jo was awarded the OBE for founding Teach First and is a Fellow of the Royal Geographic Society, a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and an elder of Lokichar.

Marianna Karagiannakis – Partner

With 15+ years experience in Leadership and Transformation roles Marianna’s experience spans the Tech, Media, Financial Services and Fashion and industries.

Having led global change with the ability to connect at all level, Marianna has developed an acute sense of what makes change stick and how to create the appropriate mindset to enable this within individuals, teams and cross-border organisations.

She has predominantly worked in and with global dynamic organisations looking to transform in order to adapt and thrive in an ever-changing external environment. The future of work is a passion of Marianna’s and she incorporates this awareness and knowledge into her work with individuals and organisations alike.