What We Do
Your global conference is the perfect opportunity to improve global team working. We can help you in three ways.
Keynote Speeches
We can deliver a keynote speech for you on global teams which shares the findings from our research on the challenges and successes of making global teams work. You can then use this as a platform for designing your own interventions on making global teams work better.
In addition to the keynote, we can design and deliver customised workshops and exercises for your teams and your leadership on how to make your global teams work better. These can be both in the conference and beyond.
Partner programme: team effectiveness
This is an opportunity to do in-depth work with one or more global teams to help them become even better, and it is a chance to become involved in the continuing research work on building best practice.
We customise the team effectiveness programme to your context and needs. We do this by taking a 360-degree view of one or more of your teams to understand how they are performing, and how they can perform better. The 360-degree review consists of one hour, structured interviews with the team leader, some team members and key external stakeholders of the team. These interviews may be supplemented by a short and simple survey of a wider group, to give context to the findings.
To find out more, please CONTACT US.